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Author Topic: Using Reaverb by Cockos Reaper (ReVerb effect)
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Post Using Reaverb by Cockos Reaper (ReVerb effect)
on: August 21, 2013, 10:29

Notes for video
A quick demo of ReaVerb audio effect usage within Reaper by Cockos

1) Random colours set to the demo tracks for easier viewing
2) Reaverb seleceted from active track effects
3) Reaverb tool zoomed view
4) Simultaneous echo/reverb adjustment during composition playback
5) Simultaneous echo/reverb adjustment during single track playback

Creating the video
I use a stand alone audio interface the Tascam US-122 L that in my opinion does a reasonable job of processing audio information to and from the device. The audio anomalies (garbling and clicks) you may hear in the audio for the video are partially due to my on-board sound module (RealTech generic) which has to be used as the Tascam stand alone interface is not recognised by my screen capture software this along with double encoding of the audio source for the video doesn't help the final production sound quality. I do have other means of eliminating these audio glitches but that requires a lot more local resources and time which I was short on today but I'm sure this video is adequate for the intended purpose 😀

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the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Re: Using Reaverb by Cockos Reaper (ReVerb effect)
on: September 9, 2013, 10:04

thats very usefull, thanks
i will check it again when i have installed reaper and got used to use it

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
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