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Author Topic: Working on your tunes?
the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Working on your tunes?
on: October 24, 2013, 14:06

Are you guys working on your tunes?
What i mean is, when you have learned a tune, do you still practise, to not to forgett it, while learning the mext ones, or even try to play it better and better with the time?

I just did read in a Gitarists-blog that she is working on her songs .... and i wanted to ask, "how", go from easy strumming to something more "nice" or try to fingerpick it, or...?
And i did ask myself if i do work on my whistle tunes....
I must say, No, ich just practise, so i wont forget, but once i did decide how i want to play it and learnt it, i dont try to play it better - but i should, shouldnt i?

Whats your opinions? What do you do?
Never mind if whistles, guitars, whatever instruments, and maybe its even different with different instruments.
I think i do that with guitar but not with whistle.

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
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Senior Member
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Post Re: Working on your tunes?
on: October 30, 2013, 22:07

One needs to control instrument well to be able to make miscellaneous variations.
Don't worry if you play just to avoid forgeting tunes. It came by time, I think.

Hmm, better vs better. OK, second variant of answer :-):

When you practice, the tune you play is everytime slightly changed. Everyone who practicing hopes that these changes are to make it better (and they often are better).

the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Re: Working on your tunes?
on: October 31, 2013, 16:43

the last month i didnt even play whistle enough to remember my tunes, ....have to change that
also i noticed that my controll of breath became very bad, nearly all i play sound bad because of this right now

anyway i did learn a lot of new stuff on guitar in this time, but i have to practise (all instruments) more regular and with more disziplin

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
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