This Page was created by:
Pepe the Crab - Admin
closeAuthor: Pepe the Crab - Admin
Name: Pepe Crab
About: Pepe is our Administrator.
To be exact, "Pepe the Crab" is the Administration-Account of Andreas Fischer, who has also a Member Account as "Andreas the German Whistler".
Confused? Read this again and think about it! ;-)
Still confused? Well i am not schizophrenic (or am i?;-))
But Andreas (my second half) dont want to mix his being a regular Member of this Commuity and my being the "Host" here.
So Pepe is the one in Charge here and Andreas is "just one of you"
Oh my, no I am confused! Or He? ...See Authors Posts (21) on: Wednesday, 29. August 2012 23:02
Last update: Saturday, 1. September 2012 um 23:02